Collaborative Partners

Over the years we have maintained active collaboration with the following organisations:

Global Talent Network

Global Talent Network (GTN) is a limited liability consulting firm in Lagos, NIGERIA. They hosted and incubated us in their virtual office space when we first came into Lagos to establish our presence.

Incubator Africa Development Team

A social enterprise made up of a consortium of consultants, development specialists and other stakeholders working together to implement innovative programmes and projects that significantly impact our defined sectors beginning with Education.

Teach For Nigeria

Teach For Nigeria started in 2015 at the Education Hub in Lagos City Hall. Several small groups attempted to establish the Teach For All mandate in Nigeria.


Afrigrants is an indigenous social enterprise that designs solutions, mobilizes resources and builds collaborations to respond to challenges in disadvantaged African communities. Afrigrants specializes in creating business solutions to address social problems, and mitigate the effects of poverty and under-development.


Contextplay is a design led company providing toys and educational materials for learning through play within a cultural context. They have collaborated with IA in a number of project including implementation of the Incubator Africa-OANDO adopt a school project.


We are governed by a Board of Directors who are  based in Africa and abroad…

Advisory Board & Reform Teams

Our Steering Board and Reform Team membership is strictly by invitation…

Cluster groups

We believe it’s only by engaging deliberately and thinking deeply over issues that we can achieve constructive progress…